Teaching Community SANS Security 503: Intrusion Detection In-Depth

I’m glad to announce that I will be teaching Community SANS Security 503: Intrusion Detection In-Depth at Banbury, Oxfordshire (UK). This 6-day course will run from Monday, February 15, 2010 through Saturday, February 20, 2010.

If you haven’t heard of Community SANS courses before, I encourage you to have a look at this new format (new outside the US, where it’s been running for years). This is a great way of bringing the popular SANS courses to your local security community at a reasonable cost, especially for those that can’t attend the major events.  It’s worth mentioning that unlike the SANS Mentor  sessions, these are delivered over a six-day period, just like it is at a larger SANS event, including the full set of books and access to audio files. They are just delivered in your own community, in a small classroom setting and at a discounted cost for tuition and travel expenses.

I’ve already described my experience with SANS, both as student and facilitator, so I won’t go over that again. Also, you can find a further detailed description of the Security 503 track on SANS website, an outstanding course that I’ve already described as the “most valuable course I’ve ever taken”. However, I want you to listen to Mike Poor, instructor at the SANS Institute and co-author of this course (along with Judy Novak and Guy Bruneau), describing it on YouTube. Mike Poor is both an amazing professional and a great guy that I had the opportunity to meet at SANS Sydney in 2008, when I took his Penetration Testing class. As Mike would say, this IDS course is simply “awesome”!

My ERP got hacked, an Introduction to Computer Forensics, available for download

Thanks to Hakin9 (and especially to Ewa Dudzic) and the readers that selected my articles as the best in the latest issues, the series of two articles “My ERP got hacked, an Introduction to Computer Forensics” are now available for free download from the magazine site.

I’ve been also authorised to post them on my website, so feel free to download them from the updated “Papers & Presentations” page, where I have also posted some of the comments I received from several readers, as well as an interesting reference to my article from Harlan Carvey.

Happy reading!

Security Onion LiveCD is now available

Security Onion ??I read in Doug Burks’ tweet that his Security Onion LiveCD is now available for download. Being a serious Sguil fan, I can’t do anything but recommend you have a look at this new live distro.

You can download it from the following location:

The following information is extracted from Doug’s Security Onion blog:

What is it?

The Security Onion LiveCD is a bootable CD that contains software used for installing, configuring, and testing Intrusion Detection Systems. Continue reading “Security Onion LiveCD is now available”